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Mysterious Levitation Stone Of Shivapur- Truth Untold

About 180 kilometers east to Mumbai, there is a small village called "Shivapur" in Pune, Maharashtra; there is a shrine famous for its levitating stone. If 11 people touch their index finger to the stone weighting around 200kg and shout the name “Qamar Ali Darvesh”, the stone flies up in the air.

Levitation Stone Of Shivapur

Story Behind This Levitating Stone:
Qamar Ali was a famous Sufi Saint and was renowned for his miracles. Qamar Ali was born into a family of middle-class Muslims whose men folk prided themselves on their muscular prowess.
When he was scarcely six, he became a disciple of a Sufi Pir (great teacher) who lived nearby, and spent his days in meditation and fasting.
Before long, throngs of devotees began to flock to his doorstep drawn by the young Sufi mystic's compassion and miraculous powers of healing.
It is believed that some eight hundred years ago a gymnasium existed on the spot where the shrine now stands.
Two large stones were used by the wrestlers for exercise purposes. Being not interested in these activities Qamar Ali was always targeted by the other boys. It is said that this stone has been laid by him to prove that spiritual power is greater than brute strength.
Qamar Ali died in his late teens but as he lay on his deathbed, he requested that a circular stone weighing 200 pounds, be placed near his tomb.
According to the legend, he said: "If eleven men place their right index fingers under the stone and then jointly call my name, I will cause it to rise higher than their heads."
“Otherwise, neither singly nor together will they be able to move it more than two feet off the ground.”
From that day on-wards the stones could be raised in the prescribed manner only by applying that formula.
Marble steps lead up to the Dargarh (shrine). Qamar Ali Darvesh was a celibate and in deference to his chastity, women are not allowed inside the mausoleum.

Stories state that over the years many people have tried to remove these stones from the shrine but they have to bear dare consequences. It is not yet scientifically proved.

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